new you keto planted your high lunge coming up

new you keto planted your high lunge coming up touching the palms and looking up toward your still ceiling and take some breaths here feeling strong in the legs and on your exhale you'll step the left foot forward coming into your chair pose chair pose is great for building strength and the legs and in the glutes and we'll hold this for two more breaths and on your exhale you'll bring your palms to heart center bringing your elbow to your right knee and coming into your first twist and twists are great for your digestive system to kind of get the organs compressed and moving and a great way to start the day and we'll hold this for one right side and bringing your feet in front of you and we'll prepare for navasana or boat pose this is a great pose to engage your core and get those muscles goi

ng so when you're ready you'll bring your heels on to the floor ress into the feet to lift up sliding the shoulder blades under me you and will take three breaths here and slowly lower back down into a neutral spine and after bridge pose need to counterbalance , new you keto diet that we can bring our knees into the chest coming into open asana you can kind of play with pushing one back pushing the other forth taking both knees at the same time getting that curve in the back kind of rounding into kind of a cat ball pose and pressing it back out massaging the love back after for revitalizing kind of soothing posture to start the day and you can rest here for as long as you'd like waterfall can also be your shavasana and another way I like to take waterfall is with my legs agai


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